Vet en som känner igen den här texten :)
When you feel that your all alone
And you feel that nothing matters any more
You can come to me and i will be there for you
It don’t matter when it is or what’s the problem is.
You can always trust on me,
Because i care about you how you feel
Come to me and you can cry in my arms
Or just feel that someone is there for you.
Av:Johan Johansson
And you feel that nothing matters any more
You can come to me and i will be there for you
It don’t matter when it is or what’s the problem is.
You can always trust on me,
Because i care about you how you feel
Come to me and you can cry in my arms
Or just feel that someone is there for you.
Av:Johan Johansson
Postat av: sanna
vem känner igen den?